DL2 - Scope

Today I will be writing about the future plans and scope for this game.  In summary, my plans for the content in Depths of Valor on its release are as follows:
- 4 floors
- 10 bosses (3 bosses for floors 1-3, and one final boss)
- 3 characters (Wizard, Fighter, Cleric)
- at least 3 weapons per character, complete with their own skill trees
- at least 6 special abilities per character, each with a unique ability specific modifier that can be obtained from the Oracle.
- at least 6 new enemies on each floor
- tons of room variety, so every run feels fresh
- tons of items, 200? 300? more? until I lose my sanity
- a rad sound track
- hidden challenges related to the torch meter (which currently is an incomplete feature in the prototype)

Some more features I want in the game that may not be in the game release but may be added in a post release update:
- cursed weapons, that grow more dangerous as you hold them and can be uncursed to become very powerful
- challenge runs/mutators, complete the game under special conditions to unlock items and further challenge runs.
- floor variations, such as volcanic caves, jungle, ice caves, flooded caves etc. occasionally replacing a standard floor.

If this game finds any success or popularity then I will gladly take it beyond this scope in the future.

Bonus content, a new demon that inhabits the second floor:

Get Depths Of Valor

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